
学术上的连续性 学术事务



在这一页, we have compiled specific FAQs about COVID-related conditions affecting Fall 2023 teaching and learning. Additional information about the campus response to COVID for the Fall 2023 semester for students and employees may be found on the 校园 & COVID-19信息页面.


We will continue to monitor the status of cases on campus and in our surrounding community and will update policies or protocols as needed. 正如我们在大流行期间所做的那样, 我们将根据当地情况作出这些重要决定, 状态, 以及联邦公共卫生指南和建议.



No, individual 教师 can’t decide to depart from the modality published in the class schedule. 决定改变学生已经报名的课程的教学形式(例如.g., switching a face-to-face class to synchronous remote instruction) can only be made by the dean, 教务长, 和总统, 谁根据县里的建议做出这样的决定, 状态, 或者整个系统的领导者.


不,教室里不再需要保持身体距离. 地方和州政府机构已经取消了这些限制.


这取决于接触是否发生在“密切接触”期间,” which is defined as sharing the same indoor airspace for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period with someone during their infectious period. 有症状的确诊病例, the infectious period is 2 days before symptoms through 5-10 days after symptom first appeared AND 24 hours have passed with no fever. 无症状者, the infectious period is 2 days before symptoms through 5 days after the first positive COVID-19 test. 因为当一个人接触到病毒时,涉及到很多变量(e.g.(无论是否接种疫苗),见 这个流程图 为指导.

根据州法律, employees will continue to be notified of close exposure to a person testing positive in the workplace, 在这些情况下,将提供测试工具. Individuals who receive a notification of possible exposure should read the notification carefully and ensure that they follow the instructions and guidance. Individuals exposed to someone who is COVID-19 positive but remain asymptomatic are not required to quarantine. Employees who test positive must inform their appropriate administrator/MPP immediately and file with Risk Management an 官方机密报告 教职员工. 风险管理提供 下一步的详细信息 所有COVID-19检测呈阳性的员工.

如果我亲自上课的学生感染了COVID-19怎么办? 那么我应该把我的课变成虚拟的吗?

萨克拉门托州 学生健康及辅导服务 一旦发现学生感染了病毒,就进行风险评估. 在不太可能的情况下,他们认为有必要改变类的形态, 有人会告诉你的. 作为一名教师,你没有必要做出这样的决定. Changing the course modality can be chaotic and difficult for students who have organized their schedules around what is posted in the class schedule, 所以请尽量保持正常.

有症状的学生将继续接受免费测试 WELL的学生健康和咨询服务(SHCS). Students who are symptomatic or test positive are required to report their positive test via the 学生健康服务报告链接.


学生健康和咨询服务人员是训练有素的医务人员, 所以他们考虑的是任何医学专业人士都会评估的事情, 比如暴露发生的地方, 持续了多久, 在什么情况下发生的, 以及有什么社区卫生标准来控制这种情况. 他们擅长这种风险评估, 他们对其他潜在的接触如脑膜炎或肺结核进行了哪些检查.

如果我接种了疫苗,但我接触过COVID-19,会发生什么, 我应该继续教我的课吗?

As 这个流程图 表明, fully vaccinated and asymptomatic people who are exposed to the virus do not need to self-quarantine and can continue to work as normal. 但是,请咨询您的医疗服务提供者以获得指导和后续行动.


关注大学 办公时间政策, and further consider whether the modality of your office hours should mirror the modality of the course. That means if you are teaching an in-person class, your office hours would be face-to-face as well. 同样,远程课堂的学生也可以通过虚拟方式与你联系. You might consider offering both in-person and virtual ways for students in all your classes to connect with you, and you might also consider holding in-person office hours outside if it would make you and your students more comfortable.

What can I put in my syllabus to let students know University and course policies related to COVID-19?

There is no requirement to include information about COVID-19 policies in 教师 syllabi, 但你可能希望这样做. You can find a sample script for communicating your expectations regarding COVID-19 to your students .



强烈建议所有Sac州立大学的工作人员接种COVID-19疫苗, 教师, 和学生, 包括住在学生宿舍的学生. A second bivalent booster is recommended for individuals 65 and older and those who are moderately or severely immunocompromised. 找出可以接种疫苗的地方. Individuals who already have a religious or medical exemption from the University do not need to reapply. 个人可以在状态发生变化时更新其COVID自我认证.

Being fully vaccinated/boosted remains the single most effective way to avoid serious illness from COVID-19. 你可以访问 轮到我了,加州 or 萨克拉门托县卫生服务部 网站安排您附近的免费疫苗接种. 有关助推器资格的信息可在 疾病预防控制中心网站.



No. Faculty are currently not informed of the status of other required vaccinations for students, 在这种情况下,我们将遵循相同的过程.

如果学生的COVID测试呈阳性, the Student 健康 Center will follow the same protocols that they do already for other infectious diseases that pose a significant public health risk (e.g., TB). 将进行彻底的风险评估, 和学生, 教师, 如果有暴露风险,会通知工作人员. 如果是这样,将向他们提供如何应对的指导.


No, 教师不能问学生是否接种了疫苗或有豁免, 因为那是个人信息. 他们将通过学生中心将这些信息提交给大学. It’s okay if students voluntarily disclose their status but asking them to do so could make them feel pressured to reveal what they wouldn’t otherwise disclose. 这是由学生的自由裁量权透露医疗信息或宗教信仰. 尽管校园里的大多数学生都会接种疫苗, it is best to assume someone you meet is unvaccinated for the safety of the entire campus community.



所有教师, 工作人员, 如果出现症状,学生必须进行检测, 所有阳性检测结果必须继续报告给大学.


学生健康和咨询服务将为学生提供指导, including a directive not to attend in-person classes until they receive permission to return. 学生也会被告知要自我隔离. 如果学生住在学校,学校将通知学生宿舍. 如果他们住在校外,将提供指导,以减少与他人的接触. 需要额外照顾的学生.g.(医疗、精神病学、基本需求)将被告知如何获得.


Employees who test positive for COVID-19 are asked to notify Risk Management by filling out the 阳性病例报告表格. You should then continue working with your health care provider for medical support until you receive clearance to return to campus. 如果有必要的话, you should notify your supervisor that you need to take sick leave as you would normally do for any other illness. 如果你没有症状, 你可以在测试结果呈阳性的五天后重新测试, 如果测试结果是阴性的, 你可以回到校园.


你的同事将通过填写 阳性病例报告 form, and Risk Management as well as Human Resources/OFA will work together on appropriate notifications depending on the situation.



如上所述, 确诊病例应隔离5天, and mask indoors when around others during the full 10 days following symptom onset (or positive test if no symptoms).  然而, if ending isolation before 10 full days (no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving), confirmed cases may remove their mask sooner than 10 full days after two sequential negative tests at least one day apart.

如果抗原检测结果呈阳性, 这个人可能仍然具有传染性, 并应继续佩戴口罩,至少等待一天再进行下一次测试.

Exposed persons should mask for 10 days following an identified close contact to someone with COVID-19, 尤其是高危接触者.​

所有佩戴口罩的人员都应优化口罩的贴合和过滤, 最好通过使用呼吸器(N95), KN95, KF94)或医用口罩. 看到 充分利用遮罩 了解更多信息.



欢迎你提出学术问题 academicaffairs@volamdolong.com.


欢迎你提出非学术性的问题 covidquestions@volamdolong.com.

